– Testimonies: TBN Russia

- I always watch your programs. It is like a revelation. Every time I open the pages of the Bible from another side. It’s so interesting to learn more about our Lord.
(Anna, Russia)
- I am so blessed to watch your message on Above an animal. For a long time I was like an animal and behave myself as beast. I was drinking and bullied my family. Thanks to your program I have changed. The Holy Spirit touched me and I was reborn in spirit.
(Oleg, Ukraine)
- Dear Pastor Wilson, you are a great man of God. Your word is important for many people of the world. For me personally every program is like a fresh spiritual air. Thank you so much.
(Uzbekistan, Umida)
- Watching the program on Above animal I got salvation. Many years I was far away from God, my faith was weak and I thought He turned away from me. But you said I belong to Him and my soul will be saved. Hallelujah
(Ilya, Armenia)
- It was interesting to watch the program on origin of man. I picked up a lot of spiritual information. Thank you.
(Maria, Bulgaria)