Counseling Library
Here at World Impact, we know that life is an eventful journey that can sometimes take us down some bumpy roads. When stumbling blocks hit us, we believe that the Holy Spirit is our greatest counselor and assists in times of need. The Holy Spirit is our helper (John 14:16), empowers us to live holy lives (2 Peter 1:3), and helps us to overcome any obstacle when we acknowledge Him. In addition to the Holy Spirit, we also believe that the Bible, God’s Word, is the foundation guide to all of life’s problems (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Although other resources can be helpful, the Holy Spirit and the Bible take precedence.
Listed below, we have provided links to some wonderful resources that are based on the truths of the Bible and are helpful to many facets of life. They contain scriptures, prayers, and principles that will encourage you. Please enjoy them, but don’t forget that the Holy Spirit is always listening and eager to minister to you in your time of need (Phil. 4:6-7).
God Bless You!
– World Impact Staff
*Provided by Hope For the Heart Biblical Counseling Library

Father Cry
by Dr Billy Wilson
Healing Your Heart and the Hearts of Those You Love
We are living in a fatherless generation–and it’s become an epidemic.
Millions of young people are being raised without father or mother. From this place of woundedness, generations are crying out in anguish and in longing. This global cry–pervasive, persistent and passionate–has the potential to bring about a spiritual revolution in the earth.
Sharing his very personal story, along with biblical examples and keen insight, Billy Wilson reveals how older and younger generations can come together, reclaim what was lost and turn the pain of parental wounding or abandonment into a place of supernatural intimacy and ministry to others. Whether you are crying out for a spiritual father or mother, or yearning to respond to the call, the Father’s arms are opened wide to receive you.
“Wilson touches the heart and soul of a deep need. Read this book with your heart opened!”–Jack W. Hayford, chancellor, The King’s University
“A prophetic and reconciliatory prescription for authentic relationships that will heal this generation.”–Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
“A very moving, practical book.”–Tom Phillips, vice president of Crusades, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Deadly Sins have had a powerful roll in shaping history and society. They began as a catalog of worldly evils compiled from early Christian sources by a scholar named Evagrius Ponticus.
Convicted by his own list, Evagrius left sinful Constantinople to be come a monk in Egypt around 375 AD. There, he distilled his catalog to a list of list of 8 evil thoughts that can infect the soul.
In 590 AD, Pope Gregory the Great re-examined Evagrius – combined hubris and vainglory into pride – and declared that these sins were deadly to body and soul.
These seven short videos were created to lead a gathering of more than 10,000 people in prayer for the spiritual condition of the United States. You can use them to lead your congregation or small group to cry out in repentance for the root sins against which we all fight! As we pray against the 7 Deadly Sins, we stand for righteousness.
You can downloadable the full resolution videos available as a “Thank You” for a donation of any size. The shopping cart will automatically place a $20 “cost” for the videos. Feel free to change this to any amount. Your gift is tax deductible!
View now:
About America for Jesus — Where these videos were first used:
Philadelphia, Sept. 30, 2012 – Exactly 40 days before the national election, a solemn assembly that gathered Christians representing all races, parties and denominations from across the United States, was to pray for the healing of our nation and call America back to God.
Throughout the nine-hour rally prayers of repentance centered on the seven deadly sins – pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and anger, and slothfulness – that are the root causes of the problems in our nation. Bishop Anne Gimenez, pastor of The Rock Church International in Virginia Beach, Va., chaired the event. Various Christian leaders led prayers for forgiveness for specific and related social issues, such poverty, unemployment, crime, sex trafficking and government stewardship.
“Today we have come to a historic place to make spiritual history in America,” said Rev. Billy Wilson acknowledging our nation’s founding documents were drafted and signed in nearby Independence Hall. “This is not a political rally; we have come today as the people of God,” Wilson continued. “The destiny of our nation does not rest in Washington, D.C.; it does not rest in the White House, the congressional house or in the court house. We believe that the destiny of America rests in the church house and in your house and in my house.”
“We believe God is going to heal the headwaters of America and see deliverance from these deadly sins so that righteousness can again exalt our nation,” Wilson said.

The A-Z Parenthood Plan
by Dr Billy Wilson
The Parenthood Plan:
God’s A-Z Guide for Successful Parenting
Parenting remains and of the most challenging jobs in the world. Whether you have two children like my wife and I have or 22 kids like one father I know, none of us can claim to have mastered the task of patenting. Yet being a mother or father is the most important mission we will ever attempt. For those of us in the “job of a lifetime,” help is always needed and appreciated. this booklet is meant to offer God’s hope and help for today’s parent.
This mini-book is made available to you for free by donations from our faithful partners. If you are able to help support World Impact’s efforts to provide these resources to people in need, please consider leaving a financial gift today. The shopping cart will automatically place a $10 “cost” for the book. Feel free to change this to any amount or enter a $0 to receive the book completely free.
I pray that this modest resource blesses you in a big way. Sincerely,
USA orders will receive a printed book
International orders will receive a e-book
World Impact with Billy Wilson is moving to a new home in Tulsa, Oklahoma! This is good news for the ministry, but may result in significant delays filling orders during this transition period.
While pay orders will be prioritized, ALL ORDERS WILL BE FILLED as soon as possible. Thank you for patience and understanding.

The A-Z Guide to Sexual Intimacy
by Dr Billy Wilson
From Awaken to Zero-tolerance, this mini book will help you discover the Biblical underpinnings to healthy sexuality and fulfilling intimacy with your spouse.
This is not a “how to” book on sex or sexuality, but rather a series of guideposts you can use to increase the intimacy you have with your spouse. Learn what God says about proper boundaries for the bedroom. Discover the four Greek words for Love. Find out how practicing Modesty, Purity, and Faithfulness can improve the sexual intimacy you have with your spouse.
Intimacy is an ever-deepening river. Learn how to navigate it. Order the A-Z Guide to Sexual Intimacy by Billy Wilson today.
This mini-book is made available to you for free by donations from our faithful partners. If you are able to help support World Impact’s efforts to provide these resources to people in need, please consider leaving a financial gift today. The shopping cart will automatically place a $10 “cost” for the book. Feel free to change this to any amount or enter a $0 to receive the book completely free.
USA orders will receive a printed book
International orders will receive a e-book
World Impact with Billy Wilson is moving to a new home in Tulsa, Oklahoma! This is good news for the ministry, but may result in significant delays filling orders during this transition period.
While pay orders will be prioritized, ALL ORDERS WILL BE FILLED as soon as possible. Thank you for patience and understanding.

X3 Watch
X3 Watch is a free accountability software program helping with online integrity.
The software works on a PC or MAC (even Lion OS). Whenever you browse the Internet and access a site, which may contain questionable material, the program will record the site name, time, and date the site was visited and forward the list to an accountability partner of your choice.
Members of World Impact staff have tested X3 and found it reliable and stable. It is also very honest about reporting. Any change, including temporary deactivation, is reported to the accountability partner. The sponsor company ( does not see any personal data. The free version is completely private between you and those you choose as your support group.
If you are struggling with pornography, you must swallow your pride and get control your online habits. This software can help.
X3 Watch Free version
X3 Watch Pro and Mobile versions

Spirit-Empowered Christianity
The growth of Spirit-empowered Christianity has been nothing short of phenomenal. From a handful of believers in the early twentieth century to a global movement today numbering over 600 million people in almost every culture and denomination, whose who embrace the Holy Spirit and His gifts are now the fastest growing religious group in the world.
Spirit-Empowered Christianity in the 21st Century is an authoritative compilation of the presentations from more than two dozen leaders in the Spirit-empowered movement. Focusing on the future, these world-renowned scholars address the theological and cultural challenges of the new century and share emerging insights on how the next generation will face them.
Topics include:
The Charismatic Renewal after Fifty Years / The Demographics of Renewal / The Future of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal / Signs of Grace in a Graceless World / Spirit Baptism / The Future of Healing Ministries / A Pendulum Swing Between Prosperity and Suffering / the Future of Women in Ministry

The A-Z Guide to Reconciliation
by Dr Billy Wilson
Marriage Recovery:
The A-Z Guide to Reconciliation
My mother and father were apart for fifteen years through separation and divorce. The emotional and spiritual walls between them seemed impenetrable. However, God miraculously broke down the dividing walls and they were reunited for thirty-two years of marriage the second time!
This book will take you through steps to help you recover your marriage. Perhaps you are separated from your spouse at this time or maybe you are living in the same house but emotionally and spiritually estranged. Maybe the walls seem impossible to penetrate. Take courage. God is able to do the impossible.
We pray you will enjoy your recovery journey all the way from A to Z. Sincerely,
This mini-book is made available to you for free by donations from our faithful partners. If you are able to help support World Impact’s efforts to provide these resources to people in need, please consider leaving a financial gift today. The shopping cart will automatically place a $10 “cost” for the book. Feel free to change this to any amount or enter a $0 to receive the book completely free.
USA orders will receive a printed book
International orders will receive a e-book
World Impact with Billy Wilson is moving to a new home in Tulsa, Oklahoma! This is good news for the ministry, but may result in significant delays filling orders during this transition period.
While pay orders will be prioritized, ALL ORDERS WILL BE FILLED as soon as possible. Thank you for patience and understanding.

Exclusive Claims of Christ
There is no comparison between Jesus and any other man in history. Order now and learn how
He was exclusively
Divine: Completely Man – Completely God
Supernatural: The one who worked miracles
Lord: Even Demons flee before Him
Head of the Church: The gates of Hell will not prevail
Prophet: Not Nostradamus, Joseph Smith, or even Muhammad
Mediator: The one who brings peace with God and man
Savior: Crucified to save us from the penalty of sin
Alive: He is the firstborn of the dead
You can download your flyers here!