The Seven Deadly Sins have had a powerful roll in shaping history and society. They began as a catalog of worldly evils compiled from early Christian sources by a scholar named Evagrius Ponticus.
Convicted by his own list, Evagrius left sinful Constantinople to be come a monk in Egypt around 375 AD. There, he distilled his catalog to a list of list of 8 evil thoughts that can infect the soul.
In 590 AD, Pope Gregory the Great re-examined Evagrius – combined hubris and vainglory into pride – and declared that these sins were deadly to body and soul.
These seven short videos were created to lead a gathering of more than 10,000 people in prayer for the spiritual condition of the United States. You can use them to lead your congregation or small group to cry out in repentance for the root sins against which we all fight! As we pray against the 7 Deadly Sins, we stand for righteousness.
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About America for Jesus — Where these videos were first used:
Philadelphia, Sept. 30, 2012 – Exactly 40 days before the national election, a solemn assembly that gathered Christians representing all races, parties and denominations from across the United States, was to pray for the healing of our nation and call America back to God.
Throughout the nine-hour rally prayers of repentance centered on the seven deadly sins – pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and anger, and slothfulness – that are the root causes of the problems in our nation. Various Christian leaders led prayers for forgiveness for specific and related social issues, such poverty, unemployment, crime, sex trafficking and government stewardship.
“Today we have come to a historic place to make spiritual history in America,” said Rev. Billy Wilson acknowledging our nation’s founding documents were drafted and signed in nearby Independence Hall. “This is not a political rally; we have come today as the people of God,” Wilson continued. “The destiny of our nation does not rest in Washington, D.C.; it does not rest in the White House, the congressional house or in the court house. We believe that the destiny of America rests in the church house and in your house and in my house.”
“We believe God is going to heal the headwaters of America and see deliverance from these deadly sins so that righteousness can again exalt our nation,” Wilson said.
Posted on: Tuesday, October 9th